Àánú Deborah-Kristy Obisesan
4 min readFeb 5, 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to 18 Essential Writing Tools for Beginners

Writing is a craft that demands inspiration, dedication, and the right set of tools. As a beginner, navigating the vast landscape of writing tools can be overwhelming. Fear not! This comprehensive guide breaks down 18 essential writing tools, offering insights into how they work and personal tips to help you harness their full potential.

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1. Grammarly: Elevating Your Language Skills
Grammarly is a writing assistant that goes beyond basic spell-check. It provides real-time suggestions for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Tailor your writing style in the settings to match your needs—whether academic, creative, or professional. Personal Tip: Use Grammarly not just as a correction tool but as a learning aid. Understand why a suggestion is made to improve your skills over time.

2. Hemingway Editor: Embracing Clarity
This tool highlights complex sentences and common errors, fostering clear and concise writing. Strive for shorter sentences and embrace simplicity to enhance readability. Personal Tip: Don’t shy away from the editor’s suggestions; they are your allies in crafting bold and impactful prose.

3. Scrivener: Mastering Organization
Scrivener is a powerhouse for organizing your writing. Utilize the corkboard feature for visual outlining and break down your work into manageable sections. Personal Tip: Dive into the tutorial to unlock Scrivener’s full potential and make it an extension of your creative process.

4. Google Docs: Collaborative Excellence
Google Docs provides a seamless collaborative writing experience. Share your document for real-time feedback and simultaneous editing. Personal Tip: Use comments to engage in discussions and address feedback within the document itself.

5. Evernote: Capturing Ideas on the Go
Evernote is a versatile note-taking app that lets you capture ideas on the go. Create dedicated notebooks for different projects to stay organized. Personal Tip: Utilize Evernote’s multimedia capabilities by attaching voice notes or images to enhance your written ideas.

6. Thesaurus.com: Broadening Vocabulary Horizons
Thesaurus.com is not just about finding synonyms. Dive deeper to explore different shades of meaning for a word, enriching your vocabulary. Personal Tip: Make a habit of learning a new word each day and incorporate it into your writing.

7. WriteMonkey: Distraction-Free Productivity
WriteMonkey provides a distraction-free writing environment. Experiment with the focus mode to enhance productivity during intense writing sessions. Personal Tip: Embrace the minimalist design to immerse yourself fully in the writing process.

8. Reedsy Book Editor: Formatting Finesse
This tool guides you through the book creation process, aiding in formatting and structuring your work. Leverage formatting features for a polished final product. Personal Tip: Use Reedsy for collaborative writing projects, ensuring a seamless workflow.

9. ProWritingAid: Polishing Your Prose
ProWritingAid offers comprehensive writing analysis, focusing on style, grammar, and readability. Review detailed reports to identify patterns in your writing. Personal Tip: Tackle one aspect at a time; it’s a valuable companion in refining your writing skills.

10. Focus@Will: Music for Concentration
Explore different music genres within Focus@Will to find the one that enhances your concentration. Use it as a tool to set the tone for focused writing sessions. Personal Tip: Experiment with different genres based on your mood and the type of writing task at hand.

11. OneLook Reverse Dictionary: Finding the Perfect Word
OneLook Reverse Dictionary helps you find the right word by describing the concept. Think conceptually to uncover the perfect term. Personal Tip: Use it not just for synonyms but to refine your language and express ideas more precisely.

12. Canva: Designing Visual Appeal
Canva goes beyond writing by helping you design visuals for your projects. Use pre-designed templates for book covers or social media graphics. Personal Tip: Explore Canva’s vast library of images and fonts to add a personalized touch to your visual elements.

13. Cliché Finder: Staying Fresh and Original
Run your writing through Cliché Finder to ensure your work remains fresh. Appreciate the value of originality and creativity in your writing. Personal Tip: Make it a habit to run your drafts through the tool during the editing phase to catch and replace overused phrases.

14. Write or Die: Motivation for Consistency
Experiment with the consequences in Write or Die to find the right level of motivation. Use it to establish a consistent writing habit. Personal Tip: Start with gentle consequences and gradually increase the stakes as you become more accustomed to the tool.

15. LibreOffice Writer: Free and Feature-Rich
LibreOffice Writer is a free, open-source word processor with advanced features. Explore styles and templates for consistent formatting. Personal Tip: Familiarize yourself with LibreOffice’s customizable features to tailor it to your specific writing needs.

16. MindMeister: Mind Mapping for Creativity
MindMeister is a mind mapping tool that aids in brainstorming and organizing ideas. Collaborate with others to foster creativity. Personal Tip: Use mind maps not just as pre-writing tools but also as visual guides for complex narratives.

17. Trello: Visual Project Management
Trello is a project management tool that can be adapted for outlining and planning your writing projects. Create boards for different projects and use cards for sections or chapters. Personal Tip: Customize Trello to fit your workflow, experimenting with different board structures for various writing projects.

18. 500 Words: Establishing a Writing Routine
500 Words challenges you to write a set number of words daily. Set achievable goals to establish a consistent writing habit. Personal Tip: Use the tool not just for daily writing but also to track your progress and celebrate milestones in your writing journey.

These 18 writing tools, accompanied by personal tips and tricks, serve as invaluable companions on your writing journey. Experiment with combinations, embrace the learning curve, and let these tools elevate your craft. Happy writing!

Àánú Deborah-Kristy Obisesan

Versatile professional in research and content creation. Explored international relations dynamics. Boosted website traffic by 50%. Beginner in Alx Software Eng